PUBLIC NOTICE: “Actions of continuous training for unemployed workers and beneficiaries of other forms of wage integration activated as a result of the emergency Covid-19” – expiry 31/12/2020 at 18:00

It was published in the BUR No. 65 Special of July 9, 2020, with a budget of € 3,000,000, the Public Notice “Continuing training actions for cassaintegrati and beneficiaries of other forms of wage integration activated as a result of the emergency Covid-19” approved by D.G.R. No. 446 of July 2, 2020.

The notice finances corporate or multi-company training projects aimed at retraining and updating of staff employed by companies that, following the Covid-19 emergency, benefit from the various tools of the Redundancy Fund (CIGO, CIGS, CIGD) or whose workers are recipients of other forms of wage subsidies such as bilateral funds and funds FIS. Companies can participate in the notice, individually or associated in ATI/ATS, with at least one operational unit in Basilicata.

The training projects can be implemented directly by the beneficiary company or delegating one or more project activities to a training organization, for a minimum number of 5 students and 24 hours, and must respond to business development strategies aiming, above all, to adopt measures in the field of health and safety at work in the context of reducing the spread Covid-19 associated, for example, the adaptation of workers to innovations (new software, new tools, new machinery, new organizational models, etc..

The activities must be started within 15 days from the date of signing of the Unilateral Act of Commitment and must end within 5 months from the date of initiation.

At the end of training, the proponent must issue a certificate of attendance drawn up according to the model of reference of the Directory of Attestations of the Region Basilicata.

The workers targeted by the intervention must have in place, with the beneficiary company, a contract of indefinite, fixed-term, atypical or apprenticeship. The projects submitted, for a total cost not exceeding € 54,000, will be subject to evaluation of merit with the assignment of scores in relation to different aspects of the project and are eligible, until resources are exhausted, projects with a score of at least 18 points.

Applications can be submitted exclusively online until 18:00 on December 31, 2020 through the regional platform Cebas whose access is possible through SPID credentials, National Service Card or user – password – pin provided by the Basilicata Region before 19.04.2017.


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