The European Commission assigns the reserve of effectiveness to the P.O. ESF Basilicata 2014-2020
The President of the Executive, Vito Bardi, informs that, thanks to the positive progress of the OP ESF Basilicata 2014-2020, the Region will be able to dispose of the performance reserve of € 17,377,450, assigned by the European Commission with a Decision of 23 August 2019 with which decreed the achievement of the intermediate targets by priority level set at 31.12.2018, within the framework of the effectiveness of the implementation.
The 2014-2020 Basilicata ESF OP finances interventions aimed at promoting employment and supporting the mobility of workers , the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty and investment in skills, education and lifelong learning as well as for the improvement of the administrative effectiveness of public services.
The targets refer for each Axis to a financial and to one or more output or achievement indicators, strictly linked to the achievement of the relevant specific objectives.
The implementation data of the OP ESF Basilicata 2014-2020 as of 31.12.2018 highlight the achievement and exceeding, in most cases, of the target value of 85% with peaks of over 100%.
The European Commission Decision represents a further recognition of the action of the Region that follows the exceeding of the threshold of the so-called N + 3 or the minimum expenditure threshold that had to be certified at 31.12.2018 and which made it possible to avoid financial cuts to the program.