“Fare comunità” (the making community) project
“Fare comunità” (the making community) project proposed by the Iskra social cooperative, leader of a social partnership and as part of a public notice funded by OP ESF Basilicata 2014-2020, dealt with families in conditions of discomfort with the presence of minors already followed by the local social services, through psychological support, parental counseling, home care and the support of multi-purpose day centers with opportunities of a sporting, artistic and cultural nature.
The difficult economic situation of families such as unemployment, delays in entering the labour market, precariousness and insecurity is accompanied by problematic situations closely related to minors in the same families such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, SLD, disability, etc.
The actions included workshops in the field of culture, sport and art (journalism, creative writing, recycling and manipulation workshops) and have also provided for field trips, such as a visit to the Giffoni Film Festival, and the organization of events. For the minors involved it was a moment of inclusion and socialization with the peer group and beyond, with evident improvements in social relations since they participated in activities never experienced before and, consequently, for the adult recipients it represented a moment of comparison with specialists who have supported and accompanied the various paths including autonomy.
The project received € 63,670.11 in support